Review 1


A Match 1-4 with a-d.

1. get together a) quarrel
2 stand by b) meet
3. fall out c) admire, respect
4. look up to d) support

B Fill in the missing phrasal verbs.

put up with bring up look after

1.     Her mother died, so her father … her … .

2.     She treats him badly. How does he … it?

3.     She … her parents when they were old.

C Are these true or false?

1.     Most children enjoy being told off.

2.     Friends should stand by each other.

3.     Parents like their children to run away.

4.     Kids should answer their parents back.


A Match the idioms with their meanings.

1. off the cuff a) imagination
2. in the red b) without preparation
3. big fish c) owing money
4. mind’s eye d) important person

B Complete the idioms.

1.     I must choose, but I just can’t make up … .

2.     He started the business at home on a … .

3.     It takes a few days to find … in a new job.

4.     My salary is very low, and I can’t make … .

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